Share price (Xetra)
About General meeting of Shareholders

Counter proposal to a draft resolution at the 35th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

The counter proposal, accompanied by an explanatory note and the opinion of the Management Board with regard to it has been published in the newspaper Dnevnik and is attached here. The counter proposal received from a shareholder is attached as well.

Shareholders may also inspect the additional material at the registered office of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., Miklošičeva 19, Ljubljana, every workday until 21/6/2011 between 10.00 and 12.00 as well as on the website of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. (

This information will be published on the website of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., at as of 1/6/2011 where it will remain available for a period of at least five years.   

Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglavm d.d.